New Delhi. In the last month of the year, the central government is going to send 2000 rupees to your account. According to information received from sources, the seventh installment of Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi scheme will start from December 1. Under this scheme, 6000 rupees are given in three installments annually. So far 6 installments have been sent to the farmers. In the last 23 months, the central government has directly assisted more than Rs 95 crore to 11.17 crore farmers. Let us know that in the PM Kisan Samman Yojana, the central government transfers this money in three installments. Whereas the second installment is transferred between 1 April to 31 July and the third installment from 1 August to 30 November in the farmers’ account. If the documents are correct, all 11.17 crore registered farmers will also get the benefit of the seventh installment. So check your record. So that there is no problem in getting money. If there is any disturbance in the record then definitely you will not get the benefit of the scheme.
There may be some people who have applied, but this money did not come in their account. If this has happened to you too, what should you do. If there is no money in the account for any reason, then will it be repaid further.
Check first mistake
First of all, you should see if any information has been given wrong. After clicking on the farmer corner, click on Benificary status. After which the option of Aadhaar number, account number and phone number will appear there. Here you can see whether your information is correct or not. If it is wrong, it can be corrected. If your application has been blocked due to a document (Aadhaar, mobile number or bank account), then those documents can also be uploaded online.
If you have applied to take advantage of this scheme and now want to see your name in the list of beneficiaries, then for you, the government has now provided this facility online as well. You can check your name on the official website pmkisan. After opening the website, look at the menu bar and go to ‘Farmer Corner’ here. Click on the link for ‘beneficiary list’. Enter your state, district, sub-district, block and village details. After this you have to click on Get Report, after which you will get information.
What will happen if the installment is not received this time
If the name of a beneficiary has been uploaded by the State / UT Government on the PM Farmer’s Portal. But for some reason, if he does not get an installment of 2000 rupees, then due to that reason, he will be sent to his account. But if for some reason the name of the farmer is rejected by the government, then he will not be eligible. There can be many reasons for delay in installment, such as giving wrong name, address or bank account information in registration. The installment which he has not received after rectifying it, will also be sent to the account with the next installment.
The central government has made another attempt to break the deadlock with farmer organizations agitating against the new agricultural laws (Kisan Andolan). Union Agriculture Minister Narendra Singh Tomar has invited the leaders of farmer organizations for talks today instead of December 3. The union minister’s proposal came after discussions with senior BJP leaders. Thousands of farmers have been protesting against the three agricultural laws of the central government on the border of Delhi for the last five days.
Farmers are on strike for 5 days against the new agricultural law
The agitating farmers said that they would not accept the conditional negotiations. Also warned that they will close all five entryways to the national capital. Farmers are apprehensive about the new agricultural laws that will end the minimum support price. Meanwhile, Agriculture Minister Narendra Singh Tomar said that keeping in mind the corona virus and cold, we have invited the leaders of farmer unions to come for discussion before the meeting of December 3. This meeting has been called today at Vigyan Bhawan in Delhi at 3 pm.
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